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Proves a withdrawal that occurred on an L2. Used in the Withdrawal flow.

Internally performs a contract write to the proveWithdrawalTransaction function on the Optimism Portal contract.


import { account, publicClientL2, walletClientL1 } from './config'
const receipt = await getTransactionReceipt(publicClientL2, {
  hash: '0xbbdd0957a82a057a76b5f093de251635ac4ddc6e2d0c4aa7fbf82d73e4e11039',
const [withdrawal] = getWithdrawals(receipt)
const output = await walletClientL1.getL2Output({
  l2BlockNumber: receipt.blockNumber,
  targetChain: publicClientL2.chain,
const args = await publicClientL2.buildProveWithdrawal({
const hash = await walletClientL1.proveWithdrawal(args) 

Building Parameters

The buildProveWithdrawal Action builds & prepares the prove withdrawal transaction parameters.

We can use the resulting args to prove the withdrawal transaction on the L1.

import { account, publicClientL2, walletClientL1 } from './config'
const receipt = await getTransactionReceipt(publicClientL2, {
  hash: '0xbbdd0957a82a057a76b5f093de251635ac4ddc6e2d0c4aa7fbf82d73e4e11039',
const [withdrawal] = getWithdrawals(receipt)
const output = await walletClientL1.getL2Output({
  l2BlockNumber: receipt.blockNumber,
  targetChain: publicClientL2.chain,
const args = await publicClientL2.buildProveWithdrawal({ 
const hash = await walletClientL1.proveWithdrawal(args)

See more on the buildProveWithdrawal Action.

Account Hoisting

If you do not wish to pass an account to every proveWithdrawal, you can also hoist the Account on the Wallet Client (see config.ts).

Learn more.

import { account, publicClientL2, walletClientL1 } from './config'
const receipt = await getTransactionReceipt(publicClientL2, {
  hash: '0xbbdd0957a82a057a76b5f093de251635ac4ddc6e2d0c4aa7fbf82d73e4e11039',
const [withdrawal] = getWithdrawals(receipt)
const output = await walletClientL1.getL2Output({
  l2BlockNumber: receipt.blockNumber,
  targetChain: publicClientL2.chain,
const args = await publicClientL2.buildProveWithdrawal({
const hash = await walletClientL1.proveWithdrawal(args)



The prove withdrawal Transaction hash.



  • Type: Account | Address

The Account to send the transaction from.

Accepts a JSON-RPC Account or Local Account (Private Key, etc).

const hash = await client.proveWithdrawal({
  account: '0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266', 
  l2OutputIndex: 4529n,
  outputRootProof: { /* ... */ },
  withdrawalProof: [ /* ... */ ],
  withdrawal: { /* ... */ },
  targetChain: optimism,

chain (optional)

  • Type: Chain
  • Default: client.chain

The L1 chain. If there is a mismatch between the wallet's current chain & this chain, an error will be thrown.

import { mainnet } from 'viem/chains'
const hash = await client.proveWithdrawal({
  account: '0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266',
  chain: mainnet, 
  l2OutputIndex: 4529n,
  outputRootProof: { /* ... */ },
  withdrawalProof: [ /* ... */ ],
  withdrawal: { /* ... */ },
  targetChain: optimism,

gas (optional)

  • Type: bigint

Gas limit for transaction execution on the L1.

null to skip gas estimation & defer calculation to signer.

const hash = await client.proveWithdrawal({
  account: '0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266',
  l2OutputIndex: 4529n,
  gas: 420_000n,  
  outputRootProof: { /* ... */ },
  withdrawalProof: [ /* ... */ ],
  withdrawal: { /* ... */ },
  targetChain: optimism,


  • Type: bigint

The index of the L2 output. Typically derived from the buildProveWithdrawal Action.

const hash = await client.proveWithdrawal({
  account: '0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266',
  l2OutputIndex: 4529n, 
  gas: 420_000n, 
  outputRootProof: { /* ... */ },
  withdrawalProof: [ /* ... */ ],
  withdrawal: { /* ... */ },
  targetChain: optimism,

maxFeePerGas (optional)

  • Type: bigint

Total fee per gas (in wei), inclusive of maxPriorityFeePerGas.

const hash = await client.proveWithdrawal({
  account: '0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266',
  l2OutputIndex: 4529n,
  maxFeePerGas: parseGwei('20'),  
  outputRootProof: { /* ... */ },
  withdrawalProof: [ /* ... */ ],
  withdrawal: { /* ... */ },
  targetChain: optimism,

maxPriorityFeePerGas (optional)

  • Type: bigint

Max priority fee per gas (in wei). Only applies to EIP-1559 Transactions

const hash = await client.proveWithdrawal({
  account: '0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266',
  l2OutputIndex: 4529n,
  maxFeePerGas: parseGwei('20'), 
  maxPriorityFeePerGas: parseGwei('2'),  
  outputRootProof: { /* ... */ },
  withdrawalProof: [ /* ... */ ],
  withdrawal: { /* ... */ },
  targetChain: optimism,

nonce (optional)

  • Type: number

Unique number identifying this transaction.

const hash = await client.proveWithdrawal({
  account: '0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266',
  l2OutputIndex: 4529n,
  outputRootProof: { /* ... */ },
  withdrawalProof: [ /* ... */ ],
  withdrawal: { /* ... */ },
  nonce: 69, 
  targetChain: optimism,

outputRootProof (optional)

  • Type: bigint

The proof of the L2 output. Typically derived from the buildProveWithdrawal Action.

const hash = await client.proveWithdrawal({
  account: '0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266',
  l2OutputIndex: 4529n,
  gas: 420_000n, 
  outputRootProof: { /* ... */ }, 
  withdrawalProof: [ /* ... */ ],
  withdrawal: { /* ... */ },
  targetChain: optimism,

portalAddress (optional)

  • Type: Address
  • Default: targetChain.contracts.portal[chainId].address

The address of the Optimism Portal contract. Defaults to the Optimism Portal contract specified on the targetChain.

If a portalAddress is provided, the targetChain parameter becomes optional.

const hash = await client.proveWithdrawal({
  account: '0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266',
  l2OutputIndex: 4529n,
  outputRootProof: { /* ... */ },
  portalAddress: '0xbEb5Fc579115071764c7423A4f12eDde41f106Ed'
  targetChain: optimism,
  withdrawalProof: [ /* ... */ ],
  withdrawal: { /* ... */ },


The L2 chain to execute the transaction on.

import { mainnet } from 'viem/chains'
const hash = await client.proveWithdrawal({
  account: '0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266',
  l2OutputIndex: 4529n,
  outputRootProof: { /* ... */ },
  withdrawalProof: [ /* ... */ ],
  withdrawal: { /* ... */ },
  targetChain: optimism, 


  • Type: bigint

The proof of the L2 withdrawal. Typically derived from the buildProveWithdrawal Action.

const hash = await client.proveWithdrawal({
  account: '0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266',
  l2OutputIndex: 4529n,
  gas: 420_000n, 
  outputRootProof: { /* ... */ },
  withdrawalProof: [ /* ... */ ], 
  withdrawal: { /* ... */ },
  targetChain: optimism,


  • Type: bigint

The withdrawal. Typically derived from the buildProveWithdrawal Action.

const hash = await client.proveWithdrawal({
  account: '0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266',
  l2OutputIndex: 4529n,
  gas: 420_000n, 
  outputRootProof: { /* ... */ },
  withdrawalProof: [ /* ... */ ],
  withdrawal: { /* ... */ }, 
  targetChain: optimism,